Here we answer the most frequent questions you may have asked us about Miel Factory and honey in general.
Where do your honeys come from? Why don't you only offer French honeys?
The honey heritage of our planet is exceptional. It is very complicated to access all of its diversities. Our passion is to select and offer you rare honeys collected in France and all around of the world.
How do you guarantee the optimal quality of your products?
We have a very close relationship with our beekeeping friends and all of our honeys are analyzed to guarantee impeccable quality.
Why does my honey crystallize?
Crystallization is part of the normal life of honey. Man will have more or less white hair depending on his genetics and his age. Honey will crystallize more or less quickly depending on its variety and age. Acacia honey is the one that will crystallize most slowly, it contains a minority of glucose and a majority of fructose. Glucose is the most rapidly crystallized sugar.
How do you explain the separation of honey into two layers of different colors?
Honey must be stored in an environment whose temperature does not exceed 25 ° C and thermal shocks must be avoided so that there is no phase shift, that is to say alteration of its crystalline phase when the glucose is dissociates from fructose. The best temperature for storing honeys is around 15 °.
How long can I keep honey?
The BBD (expiry date for optimal use) of honey is legally two years after it has been potted. But honey is a sugar, it can be stored at room temperature and in an airtight jar for years. It will crystallize more or less quickly, which is a natural phenomenon.
How to store my honey properly?
Honey is a complex natural product containing over 180 substances: pollen, amino acids, trace elements and above all water. Honey contains 77% sugars, mainly fructose and glucose. This diversity of substances results in a modification of the compound when it is stored under precarious conditions. Honey must be stored at room temperature and constant between 15 and 20 °. Honey does not support thermal shocks which can accentuate the phase shift phenomenon.
Can I put my honey in the fridge?
It is not recommended to keep your honey in the fridge. The cold increases the phenomenon of crystallization and therefore hardening.
Why doesn't honey rot?
Honey is the only food that does not rot! By creating it, bees add substances which allow it to be preserved for a very long time. Honey over 5000 years old has been found in the pyramids of Egypt and it turns out that after being reheated, it was still edible. Honey, stored in good conditions, can be stored after its expiration date Honey is very poor in water and therefore does not allow mushrooms to develop. In addition, sugar supersaturation inhibits the growth of yeast and other fungal pores.
Can I reheat my honey?
The natural temperature of the hive is 38 °. It is strongly recommended not to heat your honey above this temperature, otherwise your active ingredients will disappear.
Comment ramollir un miel qui a durci ?
Simplement le tremper dans un bain marie à une température, entre 30 et 35° pour que le miel ne perde pas ses principes actifs.
How to soften hardened honey?
You can mix your honey in a hot drink (tea, herbal tea, coffee), provided that it does not exceed 35 ° C (the honey would then lose its benefits). We suggest the following natural remedy to relieve your ailments: mix in a glass of hot water, lemon juice and honey.
Types of honey

Why do honeys have different colors?
Honey borrows the color of nectar or honeydew foraged. Honey from sunflower, lavender, rhododendron, lemon tree will turn to a pronounced yellow. The eucalyptus will show a pale green reflection while the honey from the heather or chestnut blossom will turn brown. The honeys from the honeydew will give the darkest colors, approaching an intense brown.
Why do honeys have different textures?
There is no liquid honey or hard honey. All honeys at the start are liquid. In the hive, the temperature is around 40 ° C, which keeps the honey in this state. After extraction and potting, each honey, depending on the glucose / fructose ratio, will thicken more or less quickly, which is an entirely natural phenomenon, it is said to crystallize. You can also break the honey crystals mechanically to make its creamy texture.
What is monofloral honey?
Monofloral honey is 45% made up of a single variety of flower or tree and guarantees a unity of taste.
Why are there tree honeys if these trees have no flowers?
Some trees such as fir trees, oaks, etc. do not give flowers, so the bee cannot collect nectar. The bee then forages the honeydew which is a thick and viscous substance excreted by insects (aphids, mealybugs ...)
Do I have two honeys of the same variety that don't taste the same? How is it possible ?
Honey is a completely natural product, which cannot be changed. According to the different harvests, the place where it was harvested, the weather conditions, are taste can change.
Choice of honey
Is honey suitable for diabetics?
Honey helps stabilize the blood sugar level of diabetics thanks to its lower glycemic index than that of white sugar. It is for diabetics to consume in moderation, with the advice of a doctor.
Is honey suitable for pregnant women?
Some people think that honey is not suitable for pregnant women because honey can contain botulinum spores which can produce toxins in the digestive system of an infant. However, the case is different for pregnant women because their digestive system is acidic, and will inhibit the growth of botulinum spores. The toxin will then not be produced.
Is honey suitable for children?
Honey is not suitable for children under one year of age.
Why is there a price difference between the different honeys?
The price of honey is established according to several criteria:
- Monofloral honey will always have a higher price than honey with all flowers because it is more complicated to obtain.
- Honey is a natural product, depending on the state of the crops, the price will vary.
- Its a rarity
Is honey less caloric than sugar?
Honey is 25% less caloric than sugar (100g sugar = 400 kcal, 100g honey = 300 kcal), and its sweetening power is 1.3 times higher than that of sucrose.