"Honey from all countries, from our regions, flowers or trees, this golden nectar is the friend of our health. Honey contains a majority of glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, and other polysaccharides in small proportions. It sweetens all naturally. His disappearance would be a disaster. A man in love with the beautiful nectar, Rémi Porthault, set out to select liquid gold from all sources. After having scoured the countryside ... and the planet, he makes us discover the most unknown honeys: the jujube from Yemen, the avocado from Mexico or the Karoo honey from South Africa, the forest honey from Cameroon, and of course, Lavender honey from Provence or even Ronce honey. Did you know ? if it is richer in glucose, honey crystallizes faster. On the other hand, if fructose prevails, it remains liquid."
Véronique André